“Every revolution begins with one voice crying in the wilderness.”

Jeffrey Fry, American Contemporary Philosopher

A Declaration of Human Freedoms of the Mind and Body

We demand the following human freedoms in the preservation of the emergence of consciousness on planet Earth and for the posterity of civilization:

(1) The human freedom to be free from electronic harassment or torture through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any other technology that may emerge.

(2) The human freedom to be free from mind surveillance through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any other technology that may emerge.

(3) The human freedom to be free from investigations of past decisions, emotions, memories, ideas, or any other private thought through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any technology that may emerge.

(4) The human freedom to be free from the theft of ideas through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any technology that may emerge.

(5) The human freedom to be free from behavior modification in any form, especially that which divides families and induces crime committal, through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any technology that may emerge.

(6) The human freedom to be free from reality manipulation in the form of visual hallucinations, audio hallucinations, and any other artificial sensation that obscures the understanding of reality through any connecting method on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any technology that may emerge.

(7) The human freedom to be free from control by geofencing or any other technology that limits the ability to move about space freely.

(8) The human freedom to be free to think and act on one’s own, without the influence of any technology connecting by means on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any technology that may emerge.

(9) The human freedom to sleep peacefully without electromagnetic frequencies or any other means to connect to the brain wirelessly, causing sleep deprivation and artificial nightmares or dreams.

(10) The human freedom to think and act without thoughts, emotions, or sensations being broadcast for any purpose, especially not to damage reputations or humiliate.

(11) The human freedom to be free of Organized Gangstalking which erodes the understanding of reality and limits the ability of a consciousness to survive and adapt to their surroundings.

(12) The human freedom to be free of the collection, sale, and use of neural data.

(13) The human freedom to be free of non-consensual experimentation using methods to connect to the mind or body on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any other wireless connecting method that may emerge.

(14) The human freedom to be free of the creation of any type of medical disease, condition, or illness, be it gradual or not, using technologies that connect to bodies using frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum or through any other technology that may emerge.

The following text serves as a draft for a Declaration of Human Freedoms of the Mind and Body for Targeted Individuals and anyone who has formed consciousness. A Mind, Darkly believes that consciousness is a miracle and precious gift on planet Earth that deserves to be protected. The following text is an in-progress document that we hope to formalize through the collaboration of other Targeted Individuals. We welcome comment, constructive criticism, questions, and contributions. If we have forgotten a human freedom, please let us know!